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You’ll never have to get your bathroom floor covered in soggy paw-prints again. Bring your mud-covered mutt here for a wash and bring her home all fresh and clean.

Have a dirty dog? We can help.

We have self-wash bathing stations at many locations. We’re stocked with free shampoo, conditioner, blow dryers and fluffy towels – everything you need to pamper your pooch.

  • $15 for a single wash or save on multiple washes!
  • Ramp access tubs
  • Clean and sanitary facilities
  • Discounts on a la carte grooming services including teeth brushing and nail trimming


We suggest this for double coated dog breeds such as Labrador, German Shepard's, Golden Retrievers, etc.
They will benefit by using the WildSaints Shed Control Shampoo & Conditioner*.
Great option for those double coated breeds. Proven to significantly (not entirely) reduces shedding for up to 3 months.
Hydrates and conditions coat and tighten hair follicles to help prevent shedding. It also will aid in improving circulation by removing dead undercoat.

We suggest this for pets with sensitive skin or skin issues.
Grain – Free skin soothing Treatment shampoo (Milk & Honey) and Daily Unscented Conditioner (Grain Free and Hemp Free)*
Good for all dog breeds. This is a soothing shampoo for hotspots and sensitive skin.
It is grain free for pets with severe grain allergies who may react poorly to shampoos with grains (Such as oatmeal). Reduces itching and redness.

  • Upgraded shampoo: Grain free skin soothing, Shed control, or special seasons Holiday shampoo and spritz
  • Toothbrushing Supplies
  • Ear cleaning Supplies

  • NAIL TRIMS: $10. (Only available in stores with Groomers)

    *shampoos and conditioners may vary based on availability

    Packages & Memberships
    • 50% off 5-wash package - just $37.50
    • $10 walk-in nail trims for all self-wash customers*
    • See your local store for additional details and other related discounts

    *Booking availability is limited to some self-wash locations
    **Discount available same-day as tub use. Eligible only at stores with self-wash and grooming services. Groomer must be available to offer nail trim service. Discount does not apply to $15 nail grind.